Torrent pineapple express 720p hd
Torrent pineapple express 720p hd

Torrent pineapple express 720p hd

In reality, Internet Providers throttle traffic for a few reasons: If you ask them why they’re throttling your internet when you’re paying them extra money for more speed, they will give you variety of answers, or flat out deny that they’re throttling. Among the most commonly throttled data types are: torrent downloads and HD streaming video. Simply put, it means that ISP’s attempt to sort the web traffic coming from your computer into different categories and then deliberately slow down certain types of traffic. The technique that ISP’s use is commonly referred to as Throttling or Bandwidth Shaping.

Torrent pineapple express 720p hd

Fortunately there’s an easy solution to block throttling. The fact is that many internet providers (ISP’s) around the world are making a deliberate effort to keep torrent speeds as slow as possible. If you experience frustratingly slow speeds when downloading torrents, you’re not alone.

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